#Sendbetty2school is a campaign to raise greater awareness on the need for the girl-child of Zambia to receive education.
GAP - Good Ambassador Program
volunteer program based on Time, Influence and Talent called Good Ambassador Program or GAP. Enlist public figures or prominent personalities or corporate companies or anyone willing to join the team, promoting the value of giving to our community.
Join The Movement
Created and developed an App called Lubwe Radio Mix. Each download represents a brick, donated to help build a hospital. App available in Apple, Google and Amazon stores. The App plays mixes from around the world 24/7. One time payment.
Donating used computers to rural schools. * Identifying volunteers to teach basic computer skills to students Donate school supplies i.e. books, calculators, pens & pencils, etc. * Sports items i.e. soccer balls, tennis shoes, jerseys & sports bags etc. * Identifying outstanding students who would potentially transition into our college. Assist in ways to motivate outstanding teachers
Become a monthly giver and promote the value of giving
Promoting the value of giving – One Dream Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit foundation. Every human being is worth the same at One Dream Foundation
our work
our purpose
Promoting the value of giving –
“Be an agent of positive
Take Action- Spread the word
where we are
We work to identify and resolve some of the world’s most pressing problems in developing countries. Yet, while our mission has not changed, the world around us has, and we and our work must change with it, and are doing so.
Our organization manages and implements programs that support the less fortunate around the world. We directly deliver programs in Zambia, Africa.
what we do
One Dream Foundation is
building an Ivy League
University, Green/Solar
Hospital & Medical
Research Center in Zambia,
Africa using an app called
Lubwe Radio Mix
get to know us
Promoting the value of giving –
One Dream Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit foundation
For our short term:
School: donating school supplies i.e. books, calculators, pens & pencils, etc, sports items i.e. soccer balls, tennis shoes, jerseys & sports bags Health: donating hospital supplies in rural Health Centers i.e. gloves, disinfectants, gauze, etc, donating used computers to rural schools. Giving basic health education
For our long term:
We are building a solar powered hospital, an Ivy league and trocpical disease research center in Zambia Africa
One Dream nation
"Write your obituary and live accordingly"